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Hi I’m Christina Rees-Fletcher

Vox Shoot
Wedding Day
Trunk or Treat
For More Smiles - MizzouThon
College Senior Photo
Triennium Youth Conference 2019
Wedding Day
Dancing at MizzouThon
College Senior Photo
MizzouThon Celebration
Colorado High School Mission Trip
Morale Dance at MizzouThon

Enneagram 2w3 | Myers Briggs INFP-T | DISC Influence

Strengths - Empathy, Adaptability, Connectedness, Woo, & Communication

I build connections with people, from the ground up, connecting with them on deep, personal levels. Jeremiah 31:4 states, “Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt.” This verse is what I try to lend my life to each day. 


Originally from Indianapolis, I balanced school work, competitive softball and church alongside many other activities. Connecting with the world around me has always been important to who I am, ensuring people knew who I was, what I stood for, and knowing that I offered a listening ear and helping hand when necessary. During my high school career at Lawrence Central, I spent countless hours on my skills to grow as a softball player and leader, however the sport would eventually lead to a severe shoulder injury that took me out of the game. During this time I joined our Show Choir community  and took to the stage. The broad variety of my life passions allowed me to grow into the outgoing and colorful person I would become. I took what I learned with me to Columbia, Missouri.


The University of Missouri. M-I-Z! Mizzou had been a part of my life forever as both of my parents were alumni, however, I learned what it meant to have true college spirit once my feet hit the ground there. During my first year, I joined Residence Hall Government as the Treasurer and participated in MizzouThon for the first time. By my sophomore year I was on leadership for MizzouThon, joined STRIPES, the Mizzou safe-driving program and Sigma Phi Lambda, a Christian Sorority. Junior year, I also joined The Chronic Project and soon became President. Each of these organizations, and my college experience as a whole, taught me countless life lessons about the world, communities I lived in, and my faith. I graduated from Mizzou in May of 2017.

Activism for those who are unheard, unspoken for, and mistreated became a center point for my life during those four years. I realized I had more to offer the world than just going with the flow and accepting life for what it was. I strive to connect people from all backgrounds, communities, faiths, ethnicity groups, and socio-economic realities to one another through honest and deep relationships that take time and care. With that mission in mind - I started at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary to get my Masters in Mission and Discipleship to help my understanding of faith and people. I graduated with my degree in December of 2022. 

 After spending six years in youth ministry, I have decided to take a step back from relational ministry while I pursue my Master of Divinity at Luther Seminary. I am currently serving as an Office Manager at Allisonville Christian Church in Indianapolis, IN.


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